Swap Widget

You can add the Mayan cross-chain swap widget to your website by including a few lines of code:

(example: buybonk.com)

 <script src="https://cdn.mayan.finance/mayan_widget_v_1_2_2.js"
    crossorigin="anonymous" onload="(function () {
      const config = {
            appIdentity: {
              name: 'My Project',
              icon: './logo.png', // should be relative address
              uri: 'https://myproject.io',
            rpcs: {
              solana: "https://example.rpc.com/solana" // must be added
          MayanSwap.init('swap_widget', config)

That's it! You now have a fully-functional native to native bridge on your website.

Customizing Your Widget

You can customize the widget to suit your needs, such as limiting tokens or networks. Here’s a complete example showing different parameters you can set:

  <div id="swap_widget"></div>
  <script src="https://cdn.mayan.finance/mayan_widget_v_1_2_0.js"
      crossorigin="anonymous" onload="(function () {
        const config = {
              appIdentity: {
                name: 'My Project',
                icon: './logo.png', // should be relative address
                uri: 'https://myproject.io',
              rpcs: {
                solana: 'https://example.rpc.com/solana', // must be added
              sourceChains: ['ethereum', 'base'],
              destinationChains: ['solana'],
              tokens: {
                from: {
                  solana: ['sampleMintAddress1', 'sampleMintAddress2'],
                  ethereum: ['0xsampleContractAddress1', '0xsampleContractAddress2'],
                to: {
                  solana: ['sampleMintAddress3', 'sampleMintAddress4'],
                  ethereum: ['0xsampleContractAddress3', '0xsampleContractAddress4'],
              defaultGasDrop: {
                solana: 0.04,
                ethereum: 0.005,
              colors: {
                N500: '#FF00FF',
              referrerAddress: 'mysolanawallet'
            MayanSwap.init('swap_widget', config)

Customizable Properties

  • appIdentity: This object contains information about your project, such as the name, icon, and website URL.

  • rpcs: This object contains the RPC URLs for the blockchain networks you want to support. Make sure to update these URLs with your own URLs.

  • sourceChains: List of supported source chains by the widget. To fetch list of supported tokens you can use the Token List API.

  • destinationChains: List of supported destination chains by the widget. To fetch list of supported tokens you can use the Token List API.

  • tokens: This object contains the list of token mint/contract addresses for each network you want to support. You can add or remove tokens as needed. You can check the list of supported chains by Mayan using Chain List API.

  • defaultGasDrop: You can change the default gas of "Gas on destination" for each chain. if you don't set this parameter, widget will use values from the this table.

  • solanaReferrerAddress, evmReferrerAddress: if you wish to receive referrer fee you can assign your wallet address to these parameters.

  • referrerBps: You can set the referrerBps you are willing to receive from user (Max: 50 bps)

If you don't specify list of tokens/chains, all the the supported tokens/chains will appear.

  • solanaExtraRpcs: Optional field to improve transaction speed and success rate by sending transactions to multiple RPCs. Use this if user experience is a priority.

  • isNarrow: A flag to render the widget in containers less than 300px wide. Not recommended as it can damage the widget interface.

  • colors: This object allows you to customize the colors of the widget by setting the following properties:

type Colors = {
  N000?: string;
  N100?: string;
  N300?: string;
  N500?: string;
  N600?: string;
  N700?: string;
  N900?: string;
  tLightBlue?: string;
  green?: string;
  lightGreen?: string;
  red?: string;
  lightRed?: string;
  lightYellow?: string;
  primary?: string;
  primaryGradient?: string;
  tWhiteLight?: string;
  tWhiteBold?: string;
  tBlack?: string;
  mainBox?: string;
  background?: string;
  darkPrimary?: string;
  alwaysWhite?: string;
  tableBg?: string;
  transparentBg?: string;
  transparentBgDark?: string;
  buttonBackground?: string;
  toastBgRed?: string;
  toastBgNatural?: string;
  toastBgGreen?: string;

You can try Mayan widget with your website's design in Figma:


You can set listeners if you need to trigger custom actions (e.g., show notification when the swap finishes)

Mayan Swap fires events upon swap initiation, completion, or refund.

MayanSwap.setSwapInitiateListener(callback: (swap: SwapInfo) => void)
MayanSwap.setSwapCompleteListener(callback: (swap: SwapInfo) => void)
MayanSwap.setSwapRefundListener(callback: (swap: SwapInfo) => void)
type SwapInfo = {
    hash: string,
    fromChain: string,
    toChain: string,
    fromToken: string,
    toToken: string,
    fromAmount: number

Note: even when the widget isn't on the DOM, the callbacks will still be invoked if you set them.

To avoid unexpected errors, you can remove the listeners:

MayanSwap.removeSwapInitiateListener() MayanSwap.removeSwapCompleteListener() MayanSwap.removeSwapRefundListener()

Default destination wallet

You can set default destination wallets so users don't need to connect their destination wallet:

destinationWallets: { 
    solana: 'solanaWalletAddress',
    ethereum: 'ethereumWalletAddress'

Alternative Widget Version Without WalletConnect

To avoid redeclaring web components if you've already added WalletConnect dependencies to your project or use a third party that includes it, use the version of the widget without WalletConnect:

<script src="https://cdn.mayan.finance/mayan_widget_v_1_2_2_nowc.js"
    crossorigin="anonymous" onload="(function () {
      const config = {
            appIdentity: {
              name: 'My Project',
              icon: './logo.png', // should be relative address
              uri: 'https://myproject.io',
          MayanSwap.init('swap_widget', config)

TypeScript Types

To use the Mayan Widget in a TypeScript project, you can define the configuration object types as follows:

type MayanWidgetChainName =
  | "solana"
  | "ethereum"
  | "bsc"
  | "polygon"
  | "avalanche"
  | "arbitrum"
  | "optimism"
  | "base";
type MayanWidgetConfigType = {
  appIdentity: {
    uri: string;
    icon: string; // should be relative
    name: string;
  }; // use for Wallet Adapter
  setDefaultToken?: boolean;
  rpcs?: { [index in MayanWidgetChainName]?: string };
  solanaExtraRpcs?: string[];
  defaultGasDrop?: { [index in MayanWidgetChainName]?: number };
  sourceChains?: MayanWidgetChainName[];
  destinationChains?: MayanWidgetChainName[];
  tokens?: {
    from?: { [index in MayanWidgetChainName]?: string[] };
    to?: { [index in MayanWidgetChainName]?: string[] };
    featured?: { [index in MayanWidgetChainName]?: string[] };
  solanaReferrerAddress?: string;
  evmReferrerAddress?: string;
  referrerBps?: number;
  // Theme
  isNarrow?: boolean;
  colors?: Colors;

Full Example

For a full example of the integration, you can check the source code of buybonk.com on GitHub. This repository provides a comprehensive example of how to integrate the Mayan Swap Widget into a project.

Last updated